Restore Your Homes Roof After a Storm

When a storm hits, it can leave your home’s roof battered and bruised. Strong winds, heavy rain, or falling debris can all cause significant damage. However, with the right steps, you can restore your roof to its former glory. This blog post outlines the essential steps to restore your home’s roof after a storm.

Assess and Repair Any Structural Damage

After a storm, it’s crucial to assess your home’s roof for any structural damage. This could include missing shingles, damaged flashing, or even larger issues such as sagging or holes in the roof.

Start by conducting a visual inspection from the ground. Use binoculars if necessary, and look for signs of damage, such as missing or curled shingles, granules in the gutters, or damaged metal flashing around vents and chimneys.

Next, if it’s safe to do so, inspect your attic for leaks or water damage. Look for wet spots on the insulation and wood, as well as any signs of mold or mildew.

If you identify any structural damage, it’s essential to get it repaired as soon as possible to prevent further problems such as water damage or mold growth. Depending on the extent of the damage, this might involve replacing shingles, repairing flashing, or even more significant roof repairs.

Remember, working on a roof can be dangerous, especially if it’s damaged. It’s often best to hire a professional roofer to conduct the inspection and any necessary repairs. They have the experience, knowledge, and safety equipment to handle the job correctly and safely.

Contact a Professional

While some homeowners may feel comfortable doing minor roof repairs themselves, significant storm damage typically requires the skills and expertise of a professional roofing contractor like Mighty Dog Roofing. They can accurately assess the extent of the damage, recommend the necessary repairs, and ensure those repairs are carried out correctly and safely.

A professional roofer can also help identify less obvious signs of storm damage, such as dented gutters or flashing, that you might overlook. Their expertise can be invaluable in ensuring your roof is fully restored and ready to withstand future storms.

Document the Damage

Before starting any repair work, make sure to document the storm damage thoroughly. Take detailed photos and notes of all damaged areas. This documentation will be vital when filing an insurance claim.

For instance, if a tree branch has fallen on your roof, take pictures of the branch, the impact point, and any resulting damage inside your home. The more evidence you can provide, the smoother the claims process will be.

File an Insurance Claim

Most homeowners’ insurance policies cover storm damage to roofs, but it’s important to file your claim as soon as possible after the storm. Provide your insurer with all the documentation you’ve gathered, including photos and notes.

Once your claim is filed, your insurer will send an adjuster to inspect the damage and determine the payout. Remember, the payout should cover the cost of necessary repairs to restore your roof, not just superficial fixes.

Prevent Further Damage

While waiting for repairs to begin, it’s important to prevent further damage to your home. This might involve placing tarps over damaged areas of the roof or boarding up broken windows.

For instance, if a section of your roof is missing shingles, allowing water to enter your home, covering that area with a tarp can prevent additional water damage until repairs can be made. It’s a temporary solution but an essential one.

Carry Out Repairs

Once your insurance claim is approved, it’s time to start the repair work. Depending on the extent of the damage, this might involve replacing shingles, repairing structural damage, or even replacing the entire roof.

It’s important to remember that roof repair is not a DIY job. Always hire a professional to ensure the work is done correctly and safely. With their help, you can restore your roof and protect your home from future storms.


Experiencing storm damage to your roof can be stressful, but with these essential steps, you can navigate the restoration process smoothly. By assessing and documenting the damage, contacting a professional, and filing an insurance claim, you’ll be well on your way to a fully restored roof. And remember, while the process may seem daunting, the end goal is a secure, safe, and sturdy roof over your head.

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