how to install recirculating cooker hood

If you’ve decided to install a recirculating cooker hood in your kitchen, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. Don’t worry – I’m here to help! Installing a recirculating cooker hood is not as hard as it seems and I’m going to walk you through the process step by step. In this article, we will cover everything from what tools and materials you need, how to mount the unit, wiring and testing, and finally installing filters. With these easy instructions, you’ll have your new cooker hood up and running in no time!

Key Takeaways

  • Purchase the appropriate recirculating cooker hood and necessary filters for your specific hood type.
  • Ensure proper installation by following instructions carefully and locating optimal mounting location with enough space between cooking surface and hood.
  • Regularly test hood for proper functioning and address any strange noises or smells immediately.
  • Maintain your hood by regularly replacing old filters with new ones and ensuring they fit securely.

What You’ll Need

You’ll need a few basic tools and supplies to get your recirculating cooker hood up and running in no time. You’ll need the hood itself, along with any filters that come with it. Depending on the type of hood you purchase, these might be grease filters or other types designed to reduce noise levels when the extractor is in use. If you’re installing an extraction hood, you’ll also need ducts for venting out the air. If you want the option of remote control features for your cooker hood, you may also have to install wiring and external wall connections as part of this process.

Keep in mind that installation instructions will vary depending on what type of recirculating cooker hood you have purchased, so make sure to read all directions thoroughly before beginning work. It’s also important to double-check measurements and make sure everything fits together correctly during the installation process – if something doesn’t fit right it could cause problems later on down the line!

Finally, if you’re not comfortable working with electrical components or ventilation systems then it may be best to call in a professional installer who can help ensure that everything is set up safely and correctly.

Mounting Location

install cooker hoods for smoke free cooking

Finding the optimal mounting location for your cooker hood can be like searching for a needle in a haystack, but with the right tools and information it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. First of all, you need to determine what type of hood you are installing: wall-mounted hoods, island hoods or chimney style models. Depending on the size and model chosen, some may require holes in the kitchen wall, which can take months to drill and install. Also consider how often you are cooking as well as its efficiency; some models work better than others when placed in different locations.

Next, make sure that there is enough space between your cooking surface and the bottom of your cooker hood; if not, food particles will build up over time. Additionally, depending on the controls of your cooker hood (touch control vs manual buttons) it’s important that they’re easily accessible when cooking so that you don’t need to reach too far behind it while also avoiding any steam from hitting them directly.

Finally, always keep safety in mind when considering where to mount your cooker hood; make sure that no combustible materials such as wooden cabinets are near it since these could catch fire from heat coming out from the exhaust motor! With careful thought about size and placement of your cooker hood installation won’t seem so daunting after all.

Measurements and Markings

Once you’ve settled on the perfect mounting spot for your hood, it’s time to get measuring and marking! Firstly, you’ll need to take the measurements of the height and width of your cooker hood. It’s important that these match up with the ones recommended by your kitchen designer or manufacturer. The next step is to mark out an area on the wall where you’ll be installing your recirculating cooker hood. You should also include a note of any charcoal filters or carbon filters that may be needed – this will depend on the type of hood and extraction rate.

Now it’s time to measure up for any additional components like ducting or a motor, if necessary. The guide for fitting ceiling hoods usually recommend a minimum size for each component depending on the extractor rate specified by the maker. Make sure you double check everything before beginning installation – it can save quite a bit of hassle later down line! Finally, consider adding an electronic filter alarm to alert when it needs replacing; something that can come in very handy with recirculating cooker hoods!

Following these steps will ensure all measurements are accurate and correct, so you can safely install your new recirculating cooker hood correctly without any problems! Be sure to follow instructions provided with both appliance and fittings carefully – success is in the details after all!

Finding Studs and Power

To complete the installation of your new hood, you’ll need to locate the studs in the wall and ensure there is a power source nearby. To do this, it’s best to start by measuring out where you want your extractor hood to go – that way, you can make sure it fits exactly and lines up with any existing screw holes or vent holes. It’s also a good idea to check what type of hood you’ve got – whether it’s a ducted cooker hood or a chimney hoods. This will help determine how much noise it’ll make, but also when routing the cables for LED lights or replacement filters along the kitchen island.

Once you know where everything needs to go, then simply mark off any screw holes on either side of the wall near an existing power source. You can now drill pilot holes into each marked area and insert screws until they’re securely in place. From here, route all cables from the power source through these pilot holes and attach them as directed by your manual instructions.

With everything connected up correctly, you should be ready to switch on your cooker hood! All that’s left now is some light maintenance like changing those replacement filters when necessary and making sure all cooking fumes are sucked away effectively. Now all that remains is for you enjoy cooking with your brand-new recirculating cooker hood!

Chimney Bracket and Vent Hole

For a seamless, stylish look, mount your hood to the wall with a chimney bracket and align it with any pre-existing vent holes. When mounting the hood, you’ll need two pieces of hardware: a junction box and vents kit. The junction box is installed first to make connecting the power cable easier. Then comes the vents kit which helps draw cooking odours and grease particles out of your kitchen using simple slider controls to determine the minimum extraction rate. Finally, use a piece of cardboard to test where your preference lies in terms of positioning before drilling into any walls or surfaces.

When setting up your recirculating cooker hood, it’s important to keep in mind that some installations will require additional parts such as an external vent cover or additional piping and ducting depending on the individual setup of each kitchen. Make sure you have all necessary components before beginning installation; this can be verified by consulting with both product instructions and local building codes for proper ventilation requirements.

It’s important when installing a recirculating cooker hood that all measurements are taken accurately in order to ensure optimal operation—this includes taking a simple calculation of total air volume when selecting an appropriate duct size for proper extraction rate from kitchen. Ensuring that all steps are followed correctly will help provide peace of mind during installation and guarantee years of trouble-free use out of your new recirculating cooker hood!

Adding Fan and Chimney

Now that the chimney bracket and vent hole have been installed, it’s time to add on the fan and chimney. There are a few things you will need for this stage of installation: touch controls, lights, water, fuse spur, ducting pipes and stainless steel extractor fans. Depending on what kind of cooker hood you have installed, there may be different requirements for adding the fan and chimney. For example, if you have a larger model (more than 60 centimetres wide), then your fan could require up to 5 metres of ducting pipe. If your kitchen has recirculation mode capabilities then you won’t need any ducting pipes at all!

The stainless steel extractor fans come in various sizes so make sure to consult your instruction manual or manufacturer website before purchasing one so it fits properly with the cooker hood. After installing the fan and chimney it’s important to check for any loose wires or connections that may be faulty before using your cooker hood.

Once everything is connected safely it’s time to switch on your new cooker hood and test out how well it works in both extraction or recirculation modes. Make sure you follow all safety instructions regarding use of electricity when testing out your new appliance – if anything looks unsafe turn off power immediately!

Wiring and Testing

Before powering up, ensure that all wiring connections are secure and correctly installed so you can safely test your new appliance. When installing a recirculating cooker hood, there are several types of hood to choose from. Wall-mounted models fit directly above the cooking surface for maximum energy efficiency, while island hoods hang from the ceiling and provide adequate supply air to the kitchen. Chimney models have an adjustable sound output and powerful suction, while canopy hoods feature LED lighting for added convenience. All types of recirculating cooker hoods deliver excellent energy efficient performance by efficiently capturing airborne grease, smoke and odours from your kitchen space.

improve ventilation using cooker hoods

When connecting your new cooker hood to a power source make sure you use the correct cable type and size according to local electrical regulations. Wiring should be done by a qualified electrician who is familiar with all safety procedures. Check all wiring connections before powering up the appliance to ensure that they are properly secured with no loose ends or exposed wires that could potentially cause electrical hazards or damage to the unit itself. Also check if there is sufficient room around the external fan housing motor for proper ventilation when operating at full capacity.

Once everything has been checked and tested it’s time to switch on your new recirculating cooker hood! Test its operation at low and high speeds using all settings available – lights (if applicable), fan speed control as well as any other features available in order to ensure optimal performance when cooking in your kitchen space. After testing everything out make sure all controls are set back into their original position before leaving it unattended or switching off your appliance – this will help keep it running smoothly for years come!

Installing Filters

Once all the wiring is secured, it’s time to get your recirculating cooker hood up and running by installing its filters. Most models come with an upper charcoal filter designed to eliminate odors and a lower aluminum mesh filter which helps catch grease particles from the air. It’s important that both are correctly fitted as leaving them out will not only reduce the effectiveness of the hood but may also cause damage if grease gets into the motor.

To begin, simply slide out the old filters and slide in your new ones. Make sure they fit securely and don’t move around too much when you open and close your cooker hood – otherwise they won’t be able to do their job properly. If you’re having trouble fitting them, check the manufacturer’s instructions for help or contact a qualified engineer for assistance.

After installation, it’s best to test your cooker hood regularly to make sure everything is working as it should be – this will help keep your kitchen safe and in good working order! To do this, turn on the fan setting at full power for two minutes then switch it off again. If there are any strange noises or smells coming from your hood then something must be wrong – either with one of the filters or other parts of the system – so make sure you get it checked out right away.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of ventilation system is most suitable for a recirculating cooker hood?

When it comes to ventilation systems for recirculating cooker hoods, the most suitable option is a ductless range hood. For example, my friend recently had a ductless range hood installed in her kitchen. She was amazed at how effective it was and said that it made all the difference when cooking on her stove – no more smoke or smells! The installation process itself was straightforward too; she just had to mount the unit into the wall and hook up the power supply. Now she can enjoy cooking without worrying about smoke and odors being released into her house.

Are there any safety considerations when using a recirculating cooker hood?

When using a recirculating cooker hood, safety should always be a priority. Symbolically speaking, it is like having your own personal bodyguard; watching over you and ensuring that no harm comes your way. While installation may seem straightforward, there are some important considerations to make sure the process is done correctly and safely. For example, check for any potential obstruction in the air vent before installation, as this could cause hazards from fumes and smoke. Additionally, take extra care when wiring the hood into the existing electrical system to ensure everything is properly connected. Taking these steps will help ensure you can enjoy your recirculating cooker hood with peace of mind!

Is there a way to reduce noise from a recirculating cooker hood?

Yes, there are ways to reduce noise from a recirculating cooker hood. Installing the hood as close as possible to the source of the fumes will help keep noise levels down. Additionally, make sure that the exhaust ducts are properly insulated and sealed at all joints to prevent any air leaks. Furthermore, replacing old filters with newer, more efficient models can also help reduce noise levels significantly.

How often should the filters of the recirculating cooker hood be changed?

The filters of a recirculating cooker hood should be changed every 3 to 6 months, depending on the amount of cooking and ventilation you do. It’s important to regularly change your filters as they can become clogged with grease and dirt particles over time, which can reduce the efficiency of your cooker hood. Regularly changing them will help ensure that your cooker hood continues to operate at peak performance.


Installing a recirculating cooker hood isn’t as hard as it seems. Once you’ve got the right tools and measurements, it’s just a matter of finding the studs, positioning the fan and chimney, and wiring everything up. With all that done, you’re ready to switch on your new cooker hood! But have you taken into account how much space the unit will take up? Are you sure it won’t be too overwhelming for your kitchen design? It’s important to consider these questions before installation so that your new unit is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

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