why does my bathroom scale say lo

Do you ever step onto your bathroom scale, ready to measure your progress, only for it to display the dreaded “Lo”? It’s like a huge slap in the face after all of your hard work. Don’t let this roadblock stop your progress!

In this article, we’ll explore why my bathroom scale says lo and some troubleshooting tips so that you can get back on track with tracking your goals. Like finding a needle in a haystack, it can feel intimidating trying to figure out what is causing the issue. But by following these steps, you will quickly be able to identify and solve the problem.

Check Batteries

Check the batteries to make sure they’re working properly, so you can get an accurate weight reading. To accomplish this, start by locating the battery compartment on your digital scale. It is usually located at the bottom of the device and may have a battery symbol or a battery cover.

the scales display shows lo when weight is too low

Once you’ve found it, open it up and check that there are two alkaline batteries inside. If not, replace them with new ones and close the compartment securely.

Next, step onto the foot of your scale with both feet together and wait for a few seconds until you see a reading appear on the display screen. If no reading appears or if it says ‘Lo’, then this indicates that either your batteries are not working correctly or need replacing.

If you have already checked that your batteries are in good condition but still get ‘Lo’ readings when stepping onto your scale, then it’s likely that you need to calibrate your device before taking any further readings from it.

Calibrate Scale

Let’s make sure your scale is delivering accurate readings – let’s calibrate it! To ensure an accurate reading, it is important to place the scale on a level surface and allow time for users to settle into its center. If you’re getting an error message, check the battery power with fresh batteries and make sure that there are no poor battery connections.

Once this is done, reset the scale by pressing down the reset button on the bottom of the device for several seconds until all led displays are cleared. Calibrating your scale can be done by pressing the reset button once again and then stepping onto it until it reaches zero weight.

This will set a baseline so that when you step on in future measurements, you can be assured that any changes registered are accurate and precise. However, it is essential to note that calibration should only be conducted if you have replaced the batteries or relocated your scale, as these factors can impact its accuracy.

By taking these steps and following them closely, we can help guarantee that each time you use your bathroom scale it will provide reliable measurements each time without unexpected surprises or errors due diligence has been taken beforehand. Moving forward, let’s take a look at how we can check whether or not our LCD panel may need adjusting…

Check LCD Panel

Taking a look at the LCD panel is key to making sure your scale’s readings are accurate – don’t take it for granted or you might be in for a rude awakening! If the screen appears blank, then check for any loose contacts. These contacts need to be properly connected, otherwise you won’t get accurate weight readings.

Furthermore, make sure that the scale is on a flat surface and not on top of a carpet or rug. The feet should be firmly planted on flooring that is not raised in order to receive an accurate reading. The next step is to check what mode your scale is in and if it has been set up correctly. Some scales have multiple modes such as body fat analysis and athlete performance tracking, so double check that you have selected the correct mode for weighing yourself only.

Also confirm that your maximum capacity setting isn’t exceeded when stepping onto your scale; if it does exceed this maximum weight capacity then consider getting service from a professional resetting team or tech support specialist who can help you calibrate your scale accurately.

Finally, take some time to test out different weights on your scale before committing to using it regularly – this will ensure that everything is working properly and give you peace of mind when taking future measurements. To do this efficiently, try using items like groceries bags which are easy enough to move around and provide slightly different weights each time they’re placed upon the scale.

With these steps taken care of, you’ll be able to trust that any readings given by your bathroom scale are reliable – no more surprises! Moving forward we can now look into how best to reset our scales for optimum accuracy.

Reset and Test

Resetting and testing your scale is like giving it a fresh start – so make sure you do it right for accurate readings every time! To begin, locate the mode button on the surface of your digital bathroom scale.

Depending on the brand, this could be a homedics bluetooth switch or simply a button with a message that reads “scale malfunction”. Once found, press and hold to reset the scale display. After several seconds your device should read 0.0 or another number in order to indicate that it has been reset correctly.

It is important to take note of the maximum weight capacity of your device before weighing yourself as this may affect accuracy due to overloads and out-of-range measurements which can cause inaccurate weight results. Additionally, always make sure that you are standing still and balanced during each measurement as any sort of movement can also lead to false numbers being displayed on screen.

Once these steps have been taken, you can confidently test out your newly reset digital bathroom scale for an accurate weigh-in reading! As you move forward into weighing options, keep in mind all points discussed above for best results when using your device.

Weighing Options

You can now confidently weigh yourself on your digital device to get an accurate reading! In order to get the most reliable results, it is important to consider environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity, which may affect the balance of your scale.

Additionally, try not to use the device in areas like a kitchen or bathroom, where normal wear and tear could lead to inaccurate readings over time. Finally, ensure that you are standing on a flat surface when weighing yourself for optimum accuracy.

Taking these steps into account will help you obtain more reliable results from your digital device. As such, you can be sure that the next time you jump on the scale it will read true-to-life measurements without any hiccups.

Troubleshooting Tips

a man stand on the digital weight scale

If you’re having trouble with your digital device, there are a few troubleshooting tips to keep in mind. Interestingly, 80% of all customer issues related to digital scales can be resolved by resetting the device.

To do this, simply turn off the scale and disconnect it from its power source before reconnecting it again. If this does not resolve your issue, check for any debris that may have stuck on the weighing surface or underneath the scale itself as this can also cause errors when taking readings.

In addition to resetting and cleaning your scale, you should also make sure that you are using it correctly. Ensure that you are standing still on the scale while taking a reading and that both feet are placed firmly on the platform in order for an accurate measurement to take place. If these steps have been checked but still no resolution has been found then it is likely time to contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

Ensuring proper care of your bathroom scale is essential to getting accurate readings over time so make sure to follow all instructions provided by the manufacturer in order to avoid any unnecessary technical issues down the line. Regularly checking for any debris build up or incorrect usage techniques will go a long way in keeping your digital device running smoothly at all times!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to clean my bathroom scale?

Cleaning your bathroom scale is essential to ensure accurate readings. To achieve the best results, start by wiping down your scale with a damp cloth and mild soap to remove any dirt or debris that has built up over time.

Rinse the cloth after each wipe and be sure to get into all of the nooks and crannies. Once you have wiped the surface clean, dry it off with a soft cloth and spray it with a disinfectant cleaner before allowing it to air dry completely.

How should I store my bathroom scale when not in use?

When not in use, it is best to store your bathroom scale in a dry place. To ensure accuracy and optimal performance, avoid exposing the scale to extreme temperatures or moisture.

Additionally, make sure that any batteries are removed before storing the scale for an extended period of time. Make sure to keep the scale clean and free of dust as well as any other debris which could interfere with its proper functioning.

How often should I check the batteries in my bathroom scale?

I’m sure we’ve all been there: standing on the bathroom scale, expecting to see a encouraging number – only to be met by “lo” instead. It can be disheartening, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. One of the most important steps in maintaining an accurate and reliable bathroom scale is to check the batteries regularly.

To ensure my scale provides me with accurate readings, I make sure to replace them every three months. This simple practice has helped keep my scale running smoothly and always ready for when I need it most.

Is it safe to move my bathroom scale around my house?

I’m often asked if it is safe to move my bathroom scale around my house. Generally speaking, moving a bathroom scale from one room to another shouldn’t pose any safety issues as long as you handle the device with care.

Make sure you firmly grab the base of the scale and don’t lift it by its display panel or cord. When moving it, watch out for furniture or other objects in your way that could cause damage. Additionally, be mindful not to drop the scale while carrying it; this could cause lasting harm.


I’m glad to say that I now have an understanding of why my bathroom scale said “lo”. After examining the batteries, calibrating the scale, and checking the LCD panel, I was able to determine that I just needed to reset and test it. Once this was done, I had clarity on how much weight I actually am.

It’s a feeling of relief knowing what was wrong with my beloved bathroom scale and being able to fix it! To ensure accuracy for future weigh-ins, I’ll be keeping an eye out for any troubleshooting tips or different weighing options.

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