how do recirculating cooker hoods work

Cooking can be an exciting experience, but it always comes with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest issues that many home cooks face is dealing with smoke and odours from cooking. Fortunately, recirculating cooker hoods offer a great solution for this issue. These devices work by extracting air and filtering out any smoke or odours before returning the air back into your kitchen. In this article, we’ll explore how recirculating cooker hoods work, what their advantages are and how to install them in your home.

Key Takeaways

  • Recirculating cooker hoods use carbon and grease filters to clean air before recirculating it, making it more energy efficient than ducted hoods.
  • They do not require external ducting or ventilation systems and take up less space, making them easy to install without major structural changes.
  • Regular replacement of filters suited for specific models is important for efficient operation.
  • Energy rating, decibel rating, fan speed, lighting options, and installation instructions are all important considerations when selecting and installing a recirculating hood.

Design and Technology

Recirculating cooker hoods are a great example of modern design and technology, making life easier for cooks everywhere! Cooker hoods come in all shapes and sizes, allowing them to be integrated into any type of kitchen. They bring many benefits such as improved efficiency when cooking, cost savings due to not having to install an extraction system, and lower noise levels. In addition to this they also help reduce the potential for grease build-up on surfaces near the cooker.

stay smoke free with reliable cooker hoods

To achieve these beneficial results recirculating cooker hoods use two types of filters; carbon filters which absorb odours that are produced during cooking, and a grease filter which collects grease particles from the air before recirculating it back into the kitchen. This is done through fans that draw up air from the hob area and pass it through both filters before releasing it back into the room.

The effectiveness of recirculation hoods depends heavily on their extraction rate – how much air volume they can move within a certain amount of time – however with some careful selection you can ensure your system meets your needs while still being efficient and cost-effective.

Ducted vs Recirculation

Ducted and recirculating cooker hoods differ in the way they filter and remove airborne grease, smoke, and odors from kitchens. Ducting is a more common approach to doing this; extraction hoods, chimney hoods, and wall-mounted models are all examples of ducted cooker hoods. While these types of cooker hoods have variable fan speeds, allowing for greater control over air circulation, they require exterior ducting to expel the bad air outside. Alternatively, there are also recirculating options which involve a ductless hood that uses filters to clean the air before re-circulating it back into the kitchen.

When comparing the two types of cooker hoods side by side, one can see that recirculation is often considered a more energy efficient option because there is no need for external ducting or ventilation systems. Additionally, these types of extractor fans tend to take up less space than their traditional counterparts because they don’t require any extra fittings or accessories that come with using an outlet pipe outside. Furthermore, some recirculating options can be easily installed without having to make any major structural changes like cutting into ceilings or walls.

Ultimately though, when deciding between a ducted versus recirculated cooker hood it comes down to personal preference as well as practicality; factors such as budget constraints and existing infrastructure will help dictate what type of system is best for each individual situation.

Extraction Rate

The extraction rate of a cooker hood determines how quickly it can remove grease, smoke, and odors from your kitchen – whether it’s ducted or recirculating. An extractor hood with an efficient extraction rate is key to a successful kitchen design. Extractor hoods are available in both ducted and recirculation cooker hood models, each having their own advantages. The rate of extraction for a ducted cooker hood varies greatly depending on the type of fan used and how efficiently it is maintained. Generally speaking, these types of cooker hoods have higher extraction rates than any recirculation model due to their ability to vent air outside the home through an external wall or roof vent.

Recirculation cooker hoods are typically more energy efficient because they don’t require additional ventilation systems. They use two fans – one for intake and another to push filtered air back into the room. These types of extractor fans generally have lower rates of extraction than their ducted counterparts but still work effectively enough to remove cooking odours from the kitchen area. Recirculation models often come with touch-sensitive controls that allow you to adjust the speed according to your needs. They’re also often made from stainless steel for durability and aesthetics, making them great additions to any kitchen design .

In comparison with other types of extractor fans, recirculation cookerhoods offer convenience and cost-efficiency without compromising on performance when it comes to removing air pollutants like smoke, grease and odours from your kitchen area. With its sleek design and energy efficiency features , this type of appliance is increasingly becoming popular among homeowners looking for an effective solution for keeping their kitchens smoke-free .

The Filters

Eliminating cooking odours from your kitchen is made easy with recirculation cooker hoods, which come equipped with powerful filters for trapping unwanted air pollutants. The filter helps to capture grease, smoke and other particles as they are drawn into the hood from the cooking surface. Depending on the type of filter used in the recirculating hood, there may be a need for regular replacement to ensure its efficiency.

When selecting a recirculation cooker hood, it is important to consider the energy rating as well as the decibel (db) rating of the extractor fan. For instance, an Extractor Fan that has an A-rating for energy consumption and 57db rating will prove more efficient compared to one with lower ratings. Additionally, if you have a kitchen island or venting hobs installed, then you should opt for a higher extraction rate than what would typically be necessary for traditional hobs.

Replacement filters can easily be sourced online and through retailers selling kitchen appliances; however, it is important to make sure that you purchase one that is suited for your specific model of recirculating cooker hoods. A good quality filter can help keep your kitchen free from odours and smoke while also reducing maintenance costs associated with replacing them regularly!

  • Keep your kitchen odour-free
  • Reduce cleaning costs by using high-efficiency filters
  • Purchase replacement filters suited for your specific model
  • Enjoy peace of mind knowing your family’s health is protected

Fan Speed & Lights

One of the most important elements to consider when choosing a recirculating cooker hood is its fan speed and lighting options; they can make all the difference in creating a cozy environment, while also helping you keep your kitchen odour-free. Many recirculating cooker hoods are equipped with different fan speed levels that allow air recirculation, which is great for keeping your kitchen smelling fresh. Depending on the model, you may find controls such as electronic touch controls or buttons on the hood itself, or even have the option for remote control. LED lights are often included in some models and offer bright illumination whilst cooking.

keep kitchen air clean with cooker hoods

The number of speed levels available will depend on which type of cooker hood you choose – some may only have one or two speeds, whilst others may offer more advanced features such as adjustable speeds and even timer settings. The fan speed is usually controlled by either mechanical dials or electronic touch controls that allow you greater precision. Additionally, certain models come with convenient remote control systems that you can operate from afar using infra-red technology.

Finally, many modern recirculating cooker hoods come with stylish LED lights to illuminate your cooking area while venting away smoke and odours. These LEDs come in various colours and brightness levels depending on your preferences, providing enough light for safe food preparation without being too harsh on the eyesight.

Installation Tips

For optimal performance, it is essential that you ensure your recirculating cooker hood has been correctly installed. To help guide you through the installation process, consider consulting a kitchen designer or an experienced installer. Depending on the model, size and type of your recirculating cooker hood (e.g., island hoods), installation instructions may vary from one product to another.

FeatureTime Frame
Installing an external wall vent2–4 hours
Connecting the electrical wiring1 hour
Installing charcoal filters (if applicable)45 minutes
Ensuring all fumes are properly extracted at the right level and quality in the kitchen area20 minutes

When it comes to installing a recirculating cooker hood, taking time to understand its features and safety measures is crucial for successful installation. The overall time frame for installation can range anywhere from two-to-four hours depending on the complexity of the kitchen model. After successfully completing all steps outlined in this section, your recirculation cooker hood should be fully operable and ready for use!

Cleaning and Maintenance

Maintaining your smart cooker hood is a breeze – you’ll hardly need to lift a finger! All types of Cabinet Hoods, Quieter Cooker Hoods, and Island Cooker Hoods require basic cleaning and maintenance from time to time in order for them to perform effectively. Depending on the type of kitchen appliance you have, it may be equipped with different types of filters that will need replacing due to wear or clogging. It’s important to check these from time to time and replace them when necessary as this will help maintain optimum performance levels.

The extraction methods used by smart cooker hoods are designed to remove airborne grease and unpleasant odours from the kitchen environment; however, this can only be achieved if they remain free from dust and dirt build-up. For this reason, it is recommended that you clean all parts regularly using a mild detergent solution – taking care not to damage any electrical components while doing so.

Keeping your smart cooker hood well maintained doesn’t take much effort but can make an enormous difference in terms of keeping your kitchen fresh and free from pollutants. Taking some simple steps such as regularly checking filters and wiping down surfaces each week will ensure optimal performance over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much noise do recirculating cooker hoods make?

Recirculating cooker hoods produce a relatively low level of noise. This is due to the fact that they use an internal fan to recirculate air back into the kitchen, rather than expelling it outside. The fan noise can be easily masked by other sounds in the kitchen such as music or conversation. Additionally, manufacturers have designed their models with quieter motors and fans which help reduce overall sound levels even further.

Are recirculating cooker hoods energy efficient?

Recirculating cooker hoods have been shown to be extremely energy efficient. In fact, a study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that recirculating cooker hoods use up to 90 percent less energy than traditional vented hoods. This makes them an ideal choice for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on electricity bills. Furthermore, they provide the same level of air quality as vented hoods, making them an excellent option for those seeking a more eco-friendly solution in their home.

How do I choose the right size recirculating cooker hood for my kitchen?

When selecting the right size recirculating cooker hood for your kitchen, it’s important to consider the size of your stovetop and how often you cook. A good rule of thumb is that if your stovetop has more than four burners, a larger cooker hood is recommended as it will provide better coverage and be more effective at filtering out smoke and odors from cooking. Additionally, if you plan on using multiple pots or pans while cooking, then a wider hood may be beneficial in providing better coverage. Ultimately, it’s best to measure the dimensions of both your stovetop and the space in which you plan on installing the recirculating cooker hood so that you can make sure they are compatible before making any purchases.

Are recirculating cooker hoods safe to use?

Yes, recirculating cooker hoods are safe to use. They have been designed to remove the heat, steam and odours from cooking in the kitchen while also preserving air quality. The filters used in a recirculating cooker hood trap any grease or oil particles that may be present in the air, which helps keep your kitchen free from unpleasant smells and smoke. Additionally, these filters help to reduce fire risk as they can stop any flames that may be created by hot fat coming into contact with the hood’s motor.


In conclusion, recirculating cooker hoods are a great way to keep your kitchen free from smoke, odors and excess heat. They provide an efficient extraction rate with the help of filters and adjustable fan speeds. Not only do they make cooking easier, but they also look great too! Installing a cooker hood can be a tricky job so it’s best to seek professional help if you’re unsure. If a cooker hood isn’t for you then there are plenty of alternatives such as range hoods or downdraft extractors that may fit your needs better. Finally, with the advent of smart technology, the modern cooker hood has become more than just an appliance – it’s an essential part of any kitchen that adds style and sophistication while keeping your family safe!

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