what can go wrong with artificial grass

Artificial grass can be a great asset to any garden, providing an all-weather surface that requires minimal maintenance and looks great year-round. However, there are certain issues that can arise with artificial grass – things which could potentially ruin the look of your landscaping or cost you money in repairs. In this article I will discuss some of the potential problems you may encounter whilst using artificial grass, so that you can take steps to avoid them. I will also explore drainage issues, visible joint lines and no/limited access to warranties. Finally I’ll consider the environmental impact of artificial turf – both positive and negative.

Holes and Sinking Spots

Don’t let holes and sinking spots ruin your artificial grass, leaving you feeling frustrated and helpless. Fake lawns are a great alternative to real grass, however they do require specific maintenance in order to avoid this issue. Whilst installing fake grass is often an attractive option due to its low-maintenance nature, it is important to ensure that adequate time is spent researching the product as well as assessing the environmental impacts of plastic lawns. Poorly installed synthetic turf or those which are not suited to the surrounding environment can cause drainage issues which will result in the growth of moss or weed growth over time. It is highly recommended that experienced installers be consulted when considering artificial grass installation, as wrong type of grass or inadequate drainage can leave you with a patchy surface that won’t look its best for long. Additionally visiting suppliers and asking questions about their products may help avoid any problems associated with incorrect materials being used in the installation process. The life span of artificial grass depends on its quality and correct installation and ensuring these factors are up to par should guarantee a beautiful looking garden for years to come without having an adverse effect on the environment. To maintain a lush looking lawn regular watering should take place, although excess water should always be avoided as it may result in pooling or flooding which could cause damage to both your fake lawn and home.

Wrong Type of Grass

Choosing the incorrect type of synthetic turf can lead to costly and time-consuming issues. Whilst artificial lawns are a great way to maintain a garden or outdoor surface, there are many elements that should be taken into consideration when selecting the right type of lawn for your needs. Companies often offer various materials from which to choose, ranging from artificial grass made with plastic fibres to synthetic grass made from polymers. Furthermore, it is also important to factor in the upkeep required compared to that of a real lawn, such as regular leaf blower use and removal of leaves.

the man lounged on artificial grass

The wrong type of artificial lawn can lead to an unnatural look which could be unsightly and lacking in comparison with natural lawns, thus making any surrounding area appear incomplete due to a lack of aesthetic appeal. Additionally, choosing an artificial material that is not suitable for its intended purpose may result in sagging or cracking over time, leading to an uneven surface and substantial repair costs further down the line.

It is therefore essential that due diligence is employed whilst selecting the correct material for your particular requirements; else you may end up spending more than necessary on repairs over time.

Weed Growth

If not properly maintained, weeds can quickly overrun an artificial lawn and ruin its natural look. Not only is this unsightly, but if the weeds are of a tougher variety they can cause damage to the artificial turf as well as any reflective surfaces that it may be in contact with. In order to avoid this problem, it is important to ensure that there are no drainage issues which could provide a gateway for weed growth. It is also essential to regularly clean the artificial grass lawn so that any dirt or debris doesn’t provide nutrients which might promote weed growth.

While some people opt for fake turf over natural grass due to its lower maintenance requirements, it is important to remember that there are environmental benefits associated with using real grass too. For example, the surface temperature of types of plastic used in artificial grass tends to be higher than most species of natural grass and this could affect how comfortable the area is during hot weather periods. Additionally, some studies have suggested that there may be higher levels of air pollutants near areas where synthetic turf has been installed compared to areas with just natural grass.

With all these considerations in mind, anyone considering installing an artificial grass lawn should make sure they fully understand what potential problems they may face before going ahead such as weed growth and drainage issues. Understanding these issues will help ensure you find a product which provides both aesthetic appeal and practical functionality for years into the future without any unexpected surprises or foul odors down the line.

Foul Odor

Be aware that if not properly monitored, the artificial turf can result in a foul odor which will quickly take over the area. This is typically caused by an accumulation of bacteria and fungi due to inadequate drainage along with debris, pet waste and other pollutants. Poorly installed artificial grass can also be subject to more frequent odors as it creates pockets between the plastic grass and soil below where organic matter can build up. Here are some factors that have an impact on this issue:

  • The type of grass used: artificial grass products vary in material composition, meaning they may contain different levels of toxins or fossil fuels.
  • The installation process: while most synthetic turf is relatively easy to install, there are still some important steps for proper installation which your local artificial grass installers should be able to advise you on.
  • Garden space: having enough garden space for both your real turf and synthetic grass ensures adequate airflow around each lawn surface, reducing any potential odor issues from building up over time.
  • Organic lawn treatments: using natural fertilizers and weed killers instead of their chemical counterparts will help reduce the chances of a buildup of bacteria or fungi leading to foul odors.
    Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule for your artificial grass is essential; sweeping away any debris or pet waste regularly can help mitigate unpleasant smells from occurring in your garden space.

Lifted Edges

Regularly checking your synthetic turf for lifted edges is essential, as these can cause problems with drainage and lead to foul odors. When the edges of artificial grass start to lift, it is likely due to either improper installation or an incorrect type of grass being used. If a professional installer was not hired by the artificial grass company during installation, then cable ties may have been used instead which could potentially cause the edges to lift over time.

ConsequencesPrevention TipsMaintenance Tips
Lack of water flowHire a professional installerCheck regularly for any lifted edges
Pools of water accumulatingChoose the right type of artificial grassSecure any loose edges with cable ties
Mold growth or moss growthInstall properly according to manufacturer instructionsTrim away overgrown vegetation near synthetic turf
Skin abrasions from sharp lifted edgesUse high-quality materials that won’t easily fray or liftRegularly inspect and repair any damages

If left unattended, the consequences can be severe; pools of water can accumulate where they shouldn’t, leading to mold and moss growth which may cause skin abrasions when stepped on. To prevent this issue from occurring in the first place, you should always hire a professional installer who will use cable ties correctly and select the right type of artificial turf for your needs. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that any vegetation that has grown too close around your synthetic turf is trimmed away so that there are no issues with drainage when rainfall occurs. Ultimately, regular maintenance and checks are key if you want to avoid unpleasant surprises like lifted edges down the line.

Moss Buildup

upgrade your homes curb appeal with synthetic turf

Moss build up on synthetic turf can be a major problem, so it’s important to take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place. For example, a homeowner in Wisconsin installed artificial turf for their back yard and regularly kept an eye on it only to find that moss had started growing in certain sections due to excessive moisture. To avoid moss growth, a reputable installer should be chosen and artificial turf suppliers should be used from trusted sources; poor drainage can also lead to grass moss build-up.

In today’s busy lives with time constraints, many homeowners are opting for artificial grass installation as opposed to natural grass due to its life expectancy and lack of plastic usage. However, there are still common issues that arise due to poor installation or maintenance of the product which include moss growth.

In order to keep your synthetic lawn looking pristine and free from unsightly green patches of moss, regular maintenance is recommended along with seeking advice from expert sources if any issues arise; this way you can guarantee your artificial grass remains lush and vibrant for years! By being proactive about potential problems such as drainage issues or inadequate maintenance techniques, you can ensure your artificial grass remains looking its best throughout its lifespan.

Drainage Issues

Without proper drainage, synthetic turf can quickly succumb to moss growth and other issues. One of the major issues with artificial grass is that it won’t drain as well as a real grass lawn. If the land underneath is a wet clay soil or there are pools of water due to poor installation by an inexperienced company, then this can cause negative impacts on your artificial turf’s health. Common mistakes include allowing leaf litter and organic material such as grass clippings and grass fibers to accumulate which can block drainage holes, resulting in expensive corrections later on.

Proper maintenance is paramount when preventing drainage problems from arising in artificial grass. Without regular maintenance tasks such as cleaning debris away from the surface or installing a draining system, one of the worst issues may occur; pooling water that does not dissipate quickly enough can lead to water logging and damage the smooth lawn-like quality many desire in their natural turf substitute.

One should also be aware of any visible joint lines between different pieces of fake grass; these joints allow for more efficient draining but if they are not properly sealed then excess moisture can still be trapped causing various unpleasant effects like discoloration or reduced durability over time. To avoid these potential pitfalls, it’s important to ensure proper installation and regular upkeep for your artificial grass so you don’t have to deal with any unexpected surprises down the line!

Visible Joint Lines

Carefully check the visible joint lines between pieces of your petfriendly artificial turf to ensure proper drainage and avoid costly damage in the future. This is especially important for plant life and other natural material, as it can be a recipe for disaster if left unchecked during installation. The artificial grass industry has come a long way in recent years, with golf courses and outdoor spaces alike taking advantage of its convenience – but that doesn’t mean inexperienced companies can’t cause major problems if they don’t have experience installing turf correctly.

Visible joint lines are an all too common issue when it comes to improperly installed artificial grass, yet they’re often overlooked during periods of time where no access or limited access to warranties exists. Unbeknownst to many homeowners, these small cracks can allow water to seep through into the soil beneath which could spell trouble down the line depending on how much water accumulates over time. It’s essential that all visible joint lines are filled and sealed before any plant life is placed around them as this will prevent them from expanding further and causing more serious issues further down the road.

It’s paramount that all visible joint lines are taken into account when installing petfriendly artificial turf; otherwise you may find yourself facing a number of expensive repairs in due course. With so much at stake, it pays to take extra precautionary steps prior to installation – doing so could save you considerable amounts of money in the long run! To minimize potential risks associated with poor installation practices, it’s best practice to hire experienced professionals who understand how best install synthetic grass properly – afterall, just one mistake could set you back significantly in terms of both cost and time!

No/Limited Access to Warranties

When it comes to installing petfriendly artificial turf, limited access to warranties can be a major issue, and as many as 70% of homeowners don’t even know what warranties cover. This lack of knowledge may be due to the fact that warranties are not always clearly stated by manufacturers, or may never have been offered at the time of writing. As a result, these customers may be unaware of any coverage or protection they could receive for their purchase over a certain period of time. Furthermore, there is a wide range of warranty types available which can make it difficult for homeowners to determine what type is best suited for them.

playing on fake grass brings joy to children

It is important for consumers to understand exactly what warranties cover before making their purchase in order to ensure that they will be covered should something go wrong with the turf later on. Some companies offer detailed information about their product’s warranty and are willing to answer questions while others are not so forthcoming with details. It is also important for consumers to keep all relevant documents related to their purchase as this will help if they ever need assistance from the manufacturer down the line.

The lack of access to warranties can lead homeowners into an uncertain situation when it comes time for repairs or replacements on their artificial grass lawns . That being said, researching companies thoroughly and ensuring that all paperwork is kept safe and updated can give homeowners peace of mind when it comes time for maintenance or repair work on their turf. With proper research beforehand, homeowners can rest assured that they have taken necessary steps towards protecting themselves should anything go wrong with their artificial grass installation in the future.

Environmental Damage

You must be aware of the potential environmental damage that can occur when installing petfriendly artificial turf. Whilst it is true that artificial grass does not require water or fertilizer, the manufacturing process and installation can cause environmental damage due to the materials used. The manufacture of synthetic turf involves melting plastic into a yarn-like texture, which requires a significant amount of energy. The result is a large carbon footprint compared to natural grass materials. During installation, an adhesive may also be used to secure the material in place, which carries its own set of environmental issues as well.

In addition to these concerns, there are other potential impacts on the environment from artificial grass products. For example, there have been reports of toxins such as lead leaching from some artificial turf fields into nearby soil and waterways due to rainwater runoff. This could potentially pose a health risk for people living in close proximity to these fields. Furthermore, high temperatures produced by synthetic turf may also increase air pollution levels in urban areas with limited ventilation and air conditioning systems.

It is important for consumers to understand both the advantages and disadvantages that come with using petfriendly artificial turf before making any decisions about their landscaping needs. Taking time to research reputable companies who follow sustainable practices throughout their production chain will help ensure that any potential environmental risks associated with this product are minimized as much as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is artificial grass safe for pets?

As a responsible pet-owner, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself the question: is artificial grass safe for my beloved companions? Whilst many of us would like to believe that artificial lawns are an ideal solution when it comes to providing our furry friends with a great place to play and enjoy, there can be risks associated with using this type of product. Thankfully, if you take the necessary precautions and remain vigilant about inspecting your synthetic turf regularly, you can mitigate these risks and ensure your pets stay safe whilst they play on your artificial grass.

Can artificial grass be used in all climates?

Yes, artificial grass can be used in all climates, although it may require more maintenance in some areas. Whilst the material is designed to be robust and hard-wearing, extreme weather conditions can still have an effect on its performance over time. In particularly hot climates, the plastic fibres may become brittle and prone to damage from wear and tear; whilst in colder climates they could potentially freeze up and become rigid or even cracked. Regular upkeep of the artificial turf will help ensure that it remains in good condition for as long as possible.

What is the lifespan of artificial grass?

Whilst many people worry about the longevity of artificial grass, I can confidently assure that when installed correctly and with proper maintenance, it can last up to 15 years. The materials used in artificial grass are designed to withstand all weather conditions, from hot summers to cold winters – so there’s no need to worry about its lifespan. With a little bit of regular upkeep, your lawn will remain lush and green for many years!


Despite its many benefits, artificial grass can come with its own set of problems. From weed growth and foul odors to drainage issues and lifted edges, it’s important to consider what could go wrong before making a decision. Whilst the right type of grass can ensure a good experience, it’s also important to be aware that warranties may not always be available or accessible. Ultimately, although there are potential pitfalls involved with artificial grass, with careful consideration and research it can still be an excellent choice for your outdoor space.

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